
Quite simply, your car just wouldn’t be the same if it were not for the many varieties of polyurethane.
For starters, it wouldn’t be as comfortable. Polyurethane foam in the seats and throughout the interior result in a quiet, climate controlled environment your grandfather’s car couldn’t come close to.
It wouldn’t be as stylish. Both the versatility and the durability of polyurethane make it the ideal material for auto manufacturers. Polyurethane coatings play an essential role in maintaining your vehicle’s glossy appearance by protecting it from harsh weather conditions. Spoilers, bumpers, doors, windows, protective coatings…they are all designed with polyurethane components. Not only do they look cooler, they perform better and last longer.
It wouldn’t be as durable. Clear polyurethane topcoats enhance and help protect the bright, richly colored basecoats on many top-of-the-line automobiles. Polyurethane adhesives provide strong bondability in joining similar and dissimilar materials, while sealants are used to prevent leaks, reduce wind and noise, and protect against corrosion.
And by replacing heavier alternatives, polyurethane parts can dramatically reduce the weight of today’s vehicles, making them far more fuel efficient (helping drivers save at the pump), in addition to providing comfort and giving car makers design flexibility.