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Category: Appliances

Home Appliance Manufacturers “Digital Destinations Convention”

This weekend, April 22 -23, Naples, Fla., will be the site of the Home Appliance Manufacturers’ Annual Member Meeting. Top innovators from the home appliance industry will come together to talk technology and the future of our favorite gadgets that get us through every day.

The conference will be filled with informative presentations about the evolving retail model, and the future of connectivity, but polyurethane is sure to make a prominent appearance. For example, rigid foam and energy efficient polyurethane foam insulation products are found in one of our favorite places   – the fridge.


Not everyone loves chemistry or appliance engineering…but everyone loves food! Polyurethane and other products of chemistry help keep our food fresh and ready to enjoy. Advancements in the appliance industry could mean improvements in our own kitchens! We’re excited to see what the latest research and technologies will reveal at this year’s Digital Destinations.