innovation bonds

Polyurethane plays a leading role in making our modern world so magnificent.
Our homes are warm and comfortable. Our cars are quiet, comfortable and increasingly fuel-efficient. And your newest ultra-light running shoes? Thanks to polyurethane they’re as durable and lightweight as they are fashionable.
If you’re new to polyurethane, and the many ways it shapes our world, the first thing to learn is that it’s a tremendously versatile material, capable of almost infinite variations in chemistry, structure and application. The versatility of polyurethane has inspired our most creative minds to design solutions for everyday challenges and explore product possibilities never before imagined.
Another key characteristic of polyurethane is its tenacious durability. Across every industry sector, from surfboards to circuit boards, the unique physical properties and limitless potential of polyurethane make it the “go to” material for builders, designers, engineers, architects and artists who need their products to stand up to the harshest conditions.
From the moment your alarm rings in the morning, until your head hits your pillow at night, polyurethane improves your quality of life in many different ways.
Take a few minutes to explore our website. We think the more you learn about the many ways polyurethane enhances your life, the more you’ll realize that polyurethane truly is versatile, durable and absolutely incredible.