Energy Efficiency

Versatile. Durable. Incredible. When it comes to polyurethane’s role in improving performance, there’s another consideration: Sustainability.
Conserving energy and our planet’s natural resources are two of the most important things we can do to improve our environment and achieve sustainable outcomes. Polyurethane products, in their various forms, play a vital role in achieving both.
Today, in America and around the world, rigid and spray polyurethane foams used for thermal insulation are significantly enhancing the energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings. Energy lost through walls, roofs and windows is the largest single waste of energy in most buildings. Energy loss means extra operating costs, loss of comfort, and not to mention an increased carbon footprint.
In addition to saving energy in the heating and cooling of buildings, polyurethanes are helping make structures more durable, lessening the burden on natural raw material resources to maintain or upgrade them.
Polyurethanes used as wood binders are producing highly functional, structurally strong boards from scrap wood.
And new composite materials made with polyurethane are reducing the demand for timber, stone and other natural resources.
Polyurethane’s contributions to saving energy even extend to our cars and trucks. New lightweight polyurethane components are resulting in greater fuel efficiency and less dependence on fossil fuels.
Additionally, the durability offered by polyurethane coatings, adhesives and sealants extend the life of any substrate, from cars to bridges.
Versatile. Durable. Incredible. When you look at the many ways polyurethane technology has already impacted the conservation of our resources, it’s exciting to consider how new polyurethane technologies can further benefit our environment.