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Category: Apparel, Automotive
National Sticker Day
Another fun holiday brought to you by versatile, durable, incredible Polyurethane! Happy National Sticker Day! Ever wonder why stickers look so glossy and can stick to almost anything? Polyurethane adhesives and coatings are the material of choice in the making of decals, stickers and labels.
The front side of the sticker is covered with a thick, clear polyurethane coating to give it that glossy finish and help keep the sticker durable and flexible. Polyurethane is also used on the adhesive side of stickers. Polyurethane adhesives and sealants provide excellent stress recovery to retain shape after being bent or pulled. Polyurethanes also can be used in a variety of other applications from shoes, automotive interiors, windshields and textiles.
Polyurethane pretty much keeps everything together!